Earlier this month, the Gasparilla Inn and Club held its annual Employee Benefit Education sessions where over 300 participants learned directly from healthcare professionals about the employer-sponsored plan and available...
Earlier this month, the Gasparilla Inn and Club held its annual Employee Benefit Education sessions where over 300 participants learned directly from healthcare professionals about the employer-sponsored plan and available...
Cristy Gupton, our Mitigate Partners member from the Carolinas, will speak at the DisruptHR Charleston event this Thursday, May 18, 2023. Her title is called, “A Spontaneous Mentorship Moment.” If...
Dr. Lee Gross of Epiphany Health DPC and Carl Schuessler, Jr. of Mitigate Partners are the featured speakers for April 27, 2023, edition of Benjamin Rush Institute’s (BRI) Virtual Event...
Mitigate Partners advisor Carl Schuessler, Jr. was featured on Rock Enrollment LIVE – Are Your Employee Benefits Enabling A Broken System or Benefitting Your Organization? Contact a Mitigate Partners advisor today...
Every year in every company, leaders make tough decisions about funding new projects or upgrades to improve productivity and performance. New product lines, technology upgrades, office enhancements, and many others...
What’s Driving the Cost of Health Insurance (Hint: It’s all about the profits.) Every exchange of goods and services includes an exchange of value. Or otherwise stated, every purchase costs...
Mitigate Partners advisor Carl Schuessler will be presenting to the membership of APCI (American Pharmacy Cooperative Inc.) on two topics – The Great Reveal: Demystifying Healthcare Costs – The 6...
Mitigate Partners Board Member, Cristy Gupton, wrote an article for the Blue Ridge Christian News on “Transparency in Healthcare.” Her article highlights how all parts of the healthcare supply chain...
Medium featured Mitigate Partners’ Advisor, Carl Schuessler, Jr. and Mitigate Partners are recognized as one of the reliable sources for their expertise in Primary Care in the Medium article – click here to read – Apple Watch Saves American Healthcare?...
Mitigate Partners’ Advisor Liz Antaya was a guest on the podcast – Direct Primary Care Benefits with Brett Shoemaker – click here to listen – Liz Antaya talks “Dealership Doc”...